
Supplements or Salmon? (nutrition requirements are a moving target)

Supplements & Salmon

People are in varying states of health. Some folks are in optimal health with vitality and others are in a stage of disease. Most, are in between stages of health. They are either repairing and gaining on their health or moving closer to symptoms of disease. We are either in the process of degenerating or regenerating. Anabolism or catabolism. Health is not static, so where you are on the health spectrum dictates your requirements for exercise, nutrients, sleep and maybe even supplementation or medication.

Healing is Happening – My Personal Story

Dr. Erika Putnam

It can be hard to keep hope in your heart, a vision of wellness in your mind and ease in your spirit when you are in pain, sick or physically unwell. When you have to give up your favorite activities, like hiking, hunting, or riding your bike, having a moment without pain seems more important […]

A Healing Journey from Hospital Bed to Yoga Mat

Woman Owned Chiropractor Whitefish

One of my best friends, and road biking buddies was hit by a car on her bike. I got the daunting news of the accident from her 17 year old son.  When asked, I was afraid to hear the sentence that would follow the question, “Is she okay?” I was home to Boise for the […]