The Bend Chiropractic and Yoga Whitefish 59937


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Dr. Erika Putnam The Bend Whitefish

The Bend at Whitefish

“Why Whitefish?”, I have been asked many times since my arrival in the late fall of 2016. I am here because it became my happy place. I made the trek to Montana from Idaho as a personal retreat each year in 2010. Four days turned into five and then into six and I found myself not wanting to leave after a week. Whitefish has a healthy essence or maybe my healthy essence is more alive in Montana. Either way, we were meant to be.

I have been in chiropractic since I was 21 years old. I started as a receptionist and graduated from Western States Chiropractic College in December 1995.  In that time I have seen things come and go, I have tried many styles, techniques and ways of being a physician. What remains constant is that chiropractic care is a powerful treatment modality. The philosophy of removing interference from the nervous system proves itself time and time again. Chiropractic is not something to believe in or not. It is well rooted when it is practiced on the right conditions at the right time. I have great respect for its healing properties and its limitations. As a practitioner for over 20 years I feel like I have experience both ends of that spectrum.

My Montana practice will differ from my Idaho practice in many ways. Because I have changed, the nature of how I practice will change. When I started practice I wanted to serve any and everybody. I still am open to treating most everyone but I am more discerning about who I think I am the best doctor for. I have come to believe that chiropractic helps people whether they believe in chiropractic or not. The nerves do not care what you believe but they do respond to improved joint mobility. I do understand that healing takes time and the odds for complete return of function improve with consistent care and applied rehabilitation. I also feel strongly that how we interface with our bodies on the emotional and psychological levels impacts healing significantly.

In Montana my basic way of practice will be the same as it was in Idaho. Professional, clinical, and service oriented. I will always be a chiropractic physician first with patients. I will always delight in treating babies, children, and pregnant women and little old people. I will always love the rough characters and tough men who stay tough and the ones who soften in trusted hands. I will always champion the suffering and go the extra mile in doing whatever it takes to break the pain down. I will always surrender my ego to the right person, or partners for the job.

In the new clinic we will have a yoga studio adjoining the space making access to physical rehab even easier. It is a place I hope to add classes for veterans, beginners, those who suffer post-traumatic stress, those who need to burn energy, and those who need to chillax. I hope to create a community of like-minded, healthy, willing participants who are curious about edges both smooth and on the fringe. I hope to provide a space for yogi’s to evolve and improve their personal yoga practice and philosophy.

As my lifestyle aligns well with Whitefish I will offer what I can from my other areas of interest through yoga, writing, nutrition and healthy lifestyle information. I have whimsically named my blog, Bones & Breath. In this blog will be words from a chiropractic yogi as I am inspired by the offerings of my new home and Montana life.

The Bend is scheduled to open the first of June 2017. The space is being transformed into a warm, energetic and natural wellness center. I am very much looking forward to meeting and helping many new people in this town and place. I look forward to hosting workshops and exploring health together. Please follow our Facebook page for information on health, wellness, events, chiropractic and yoga. And, if you are so inclined follow along with my blog.

Happy to be here!

Warm Regards,

Dr. Erika Putnam